Friday, August 6, 2010

Here it comes!

Yay! I don't need to say it, but I LOVE ZUCCHINI!!!
This is the first wave!  I've made a ton of zucchini bread, given away 5 of them just today,
and should have this many more plus- within a couple days!  I'm not sick of it yet!  I can't get enough!


Melissa said...

BBLLLEEECCCHHH!!! I hate zucchini! However, I love you so if it makes you happy then I am happy. I do wish I had enough energy to make stuff for my neighbors! Not going to happen anytime soon....

Cambria said...

if you come down... bring some!

Joey said...

Wow, those little plants are really going wild!!! You have already doubled mine! The critters have too much fun getting to them before I do! Oh well, I thought I would try it this year anyway...How silly of me.

Erin said...

yum! i love zucchini also :)