Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I noticed something today.  I was getting into my car and my house made one of those settling "cracking" or "popping" noises- and I looked up to see where it was coming from.  I noticed all of our bikes were hung.  Nice right?  It is nice to have them put up...however...they are all above my car.  I started noticing other things in the garage...anything that could possibly touch the "Dirty Mistress" is on my side of the garage!  HA!  Funny Honey....

I'm really hoping there is nothing to worry car may not be a classic, but I sure don't want it to be a landing zone for falling bikes!


The Holdaway Family said...

I just had to laugh! I called my hubby into the room so I could show him and he said, "I don't blame him!" followed by, "I wish our garage was that organized" what a guy!

Bonnie Tucker said...

Looks like my garage. Must run in the family.