Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I don't know where she comes from! Honestly! Today, she picked my flowers off the plants in my pots. Not too badly, but bad enough to make me mad...I told her not to EVER do that again or I'd cut her fingers off. Her little friend Rylee said that her mom says that to her too, and sometimes when she sticks out her tongue at her mom she tells her she's going to cut off her tongue too... the next thing I know? ALI HAS TAKEN A KNIFE TO HER TONGUE! Luckily she was laughing, bleeding yes, but laughing. It didn't hurt her, but what a masochistic child! So, another lesson:

No matter how mad you are, it's probably not a good idea to threaten loss of an apendage by cutting it off. Curiosity trumps common sense at age 5.


Jake and Alex said...

I can totally see Ali doing that. Oh man. Check out the videos of Brax we just put up.

Marlene Sheppard said...

Well if she wasn't so darn cute.....She must be one in a million...

Cambria said...

THIS is hysterical! You seriously told sweet little Ali you were going to CUT her fingers off?!!! You are going to traumatize that little girl! =)

Just me! said...

Oh my!! Too funny!