Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Swimming lessons, Summer Rain and proof I have a green thumb!

It seems like I'm so much busier on the days I don't work lately. I wish I were half as busy at work as I am at home! The day started off with swimming lessons- the kids love it! They are doing so well too! I just pray it teaches them a love for the water.

We had lunch with our Kandie afterwards and played on her swings and came home to a hot summer day that was quickly turning to a hot, rain soaked summer day. I have to say- I love my yard! All the pay off comes when the flowers are in full bloom! My favorite flower is a daisy- and last year we planted just little ones, and this year they are amazing! The rain just made everything look better too, so I took the opportunity to take a few pictures.
Jon and I are both pretty proud of this garden! Even though I have about 30 zucchini coming on already! What am I going to do with so much zucchini? I LOVE zucchini bread, and I found out last year that if I shred it and then freeze it, I can have zucchini bread all year round! The tomatoes are taking off- the onions look awesome and the most interesting thing happened... I guess you shouldn't grow dill and cilantro near each other- I got DILLANTRO! The funny thing is, the bottom of the stalk tastes like cilantro, and the tops taste like dill! Woops!  We've been able to sample a few of the early tomatoes and it's just made me more excited for them to be done!  It's actually pretty fulfilling to grow a garden!
And how about this hotty, huh?



J, K, E & C Hadley said...

This year I planted my first garden and I am so excited that all is coming up so nicely...thanks for the tip of shredding and freezing the zucchini, I love zucchini bread as well with chocolate chips!!!

Joey said...

I love your garden. Mine is even growing!!! I think that I may have "accidentally" snuffed out a couple of squirrels with the Decon in the garage but, if they are going to go nosing around in there well...Anyway, the garden is growing and there are NO squirrels taunting me! Great picture of Jon. He is very handsome, but, we don't have to tell him that right?!! I love the rainbow in the background! It almost...ALMOST makes him look angelic...hehe.