Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Friends...

I have the greatest friends. The fact that they put up with me, with my sarcasm and incessant need to be the center of attention, makes me realize that I couldn't ask for better people in my life. I never had a specific group of friends for very long. I definitely had commitment issues and I'm so not into maintenance. What does that mean? My friends are all as independent as I am. It's fun to be together, but we don't have to be. We can pick up where we left off, even if there are years in between. I love that about each of them.

I have a friend from second grade like that. I don't talk to her more than once a year- or when one of us has a baby- but it seems like we talk all the time. Another friend from 4th grade- now lives in Japan and through the wonderful internet, I get to talk to her every once in a while and keep up with her family through our blogs. I have a few friends from High School that I still talk to every once in a while, and Melissa- who is so much like me it's scary. I think we were probably sisters in a previous life...

Since I've moved to Vernal, I have been lucky enough to meet and love the people in my life. Monica has been a dear friend, putting up with me even though we are so different. She has to look past a lot of my flaws- but she puts up with me and is a very loyal friend. Kandie has become more of a sister- sharing her home with my family, helping me raise my children and always being there as a confidant. My neighbors are some of the best people I know and the ladies in my food group, bunco group and card swap are so fun and talented! I still love my independence... I'm still bad at maintenance, but I'm totally happy with what I have...I love all you guys!


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