Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Over the trauma...

Well, I think I might finally be able to talk about the "epic fail" Ali's birthday party was. I'm sure the girls had fun, but it was honestly a traumatic experience for the mom. I'm so lucky to have Kandie around- she came to the rescue!
It was a Hawaiian theme...that's why Ali is wearing coconuts!!!

Rewind to the night before, Ali and I (and RyLee and Raegan of course) went to a "fun-shoot" with some other photographer friends of mine. They had their two daughters there also and all the girls hit it off really well so we invited them to Ali's party. I KNEW they were having their pictures done the next day- they were actually paying another (expensive) photographer who was coming out from SLC to do a few sessions in the Basin. It's every mothers dream to have the perfect family photo, I KNOW that...so why did I think it would be OK if we tie-dyed? The girls were covered in permanent ink! Every one of them had dyed their skin every color of the rainbow. A perfect family picture? I think not. I think I threw up.

It took forever to get through that little activity. All the girls went home with a belly full of sugar and a plastic bag full of inky wet t-shirts. I stayed home with one hellava headache and guilty conscience. Jon, (being the smart fart that he is) googled how to get it off and we did succeed in getting the dye off- but that wasn't before we'd tried lacquer thinner, gasoline, mineral spirits...it's actually bleach and water- in case anyone ever needs to know...ridiculous. Luckily it worked or I would have made new friends, just to have them hate me forever. I felt so stupid.


The Holdaway Family said...

Man, what a *fun* time! I am glad that you were able to figure out how to get the ink off!

Joey said...

Hehehe...Sounds like the cool--aid mom really pulled one off! It is all about the memories Steph. I bet Ali will always remember the tie-dying party and the paint that didn't come off and how up tight mom was :) Sounds like a perfect day for an 8 year old and all her friends. Magic erasers work really well also...Just for future reference...